Saturday, January 17, 2009

Trying to put up some pics... Finally!

Hey all! I've finally put up all of my pics up on my computer and now it's just a matter of getting them on my blog. There are a lot! so I'm working on cutting them down and putting up the best ones but its going to take some time. You guys will finally understand why I feel like I'm dreaming... expecially when you see the pics of Park Guell. Gaudi must have been a nutcase to come up with something like it. You'll see :)

I miss you guys but you'll hear from me soon. Love you!
It won't let me upload more than that so that's just a teaser. I'm going to get a photobucket so you guys can look at all my pictures and it'll be a lot easier for me too

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I went on-line and checked the park out out. Looks a little "Alice in Wonderland" like...Can't wait to see more pictures.
    Love Mom
