Thursday, February 26, 2009

Crazy Crazy Crazy Week

Really old draft that i never posted... worth seeing i guess since i haven't written in so long.... sorry you guys :(

Wednesday the 18th was my friend Tony's 22nd birthday and we decided that it had to be a good night for him. He's one of the nicest and coolest people I've met here (he actually reminds me of my oldest brother a lot) and that meant all the more reason to give him a birthday that he'd never forget. We all talked to him the day of and wished him a happy birthday but said that unfortunately, we wouldn't be able to go out that night leaving just him and his roomate to go out. In actuality, we had been planning all week on surprising him at our favorite local spanish bar. The night 0f his birthday, everyone but his roomate went there and got set up with cake, drinks, and a birthday crown for him. From there we waited for him and his roomate Felipe (the only one Tony knew was coming) to arrive. We yelled surprise when he walked in and the night began. From there we went to one more bar and talked and laughed the whole night through. Everyone had a blast and at the end of the night, Tony thanked us all for one of the best birthdays in his life.

The next Friday, nobody had classes so Alex, Stephanie, and I planned for a picnic on the beach with lots of food and some wine. We sat along the ocean for hours talking and the group kept growing. We met a few more Americans from our same study abroad program and later, when the sun started to set, decided to join them for happy hour at some bar. It was supposed to be just a quick stop with the guys so they could have 1 euro beers but we ended up staying out until almost nine talking and getting to know our new friends. When we all started to get hungry, Alex and I decided that we were both wanting a hamburger from this new hamburger place we've found here. Everyone who we have brought there since discovering it have agreed that it has the best burgers you can buy outside the US. After filling up on amazing (close to) American food, Alex and I got a call from our friend Pablo who lives in Barcelona asking us to come hang out with him and his friends. I wanted to practice my Spanish and meet all his friends so of course we said yes and went to meet him. We met up with him outside a subway stop and went to yet another bar (haha quit judging me... I hardly drank anything. It's what the spaniards are always doing because meeting up at a bar here is like meeting up at a coffee shop in the US) and played card games in spanish for hours at their favorite bar. It was so much fun! and they were so nice to want to help me with my spanish and anything else I had questions about. By 3am, they were just getting started and decided they wanted to go dancing at a club but Alex, Steph, and I were exhausted and headed home. The thing with Spaniards is that they don't go out at night until like midnight or 1am so it's very common to come home at 8am after a night out... I think they're crazy.

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