Tuesday, February 3, 2009

When in Rome... :)

Rome is beautiful.... much much different than either barcelona or anywhere back in the states but still amazing. I left on thursday morning for the airport and got to Rome with no problems what so ever. Getting into the airport on the other side was no process at all... they didn't even stamp anybody's passport. I waited in the airport for Bhavik to come and pick me up since I didn't want to navigate Rome by myself and after a short time, he was finally there and we headed out to check in at the hostel. It was the first hostel I had ever stayed in so I don't have anything to compare it too, but both Bhavik and I thought it was really creepy. We walked into the tiny front entry way and were shocked when we were greeted by at least 10 people. A few introduced themselves, offered us drinks (no thanks!), and then we were showed around. We got our keys and went to find our beds in a creepy, practically empty room. There were two beds, 2 wooden chairs, a small closet, and a bedside table. The walls were completely bare except for a mirror and the floor was cold and dirty. We both looked at eachother ready to get the heck out of there but decided to make the best of it. Advice to anyone who ever is considering staying in a hostel... bring a pair of flip flops and your own sheets if possible. It would have made it a lot more comfortable. At the very least, it was an experience. We did meet some cool people though!

Anyways.... after a little time at the hostel to get settled, we decided to go out and get some food and walk around for a little bit before going to bed. We walked around the area around the hostel for probably an hour before we settled on mediocre pizza since nothing else was open but it wasn't terrible. The suckiest part about Europe a lot of the time is that people actually sleep and stores close unlike our 24 hour Walmart's and Walgreen's in the US. Dessert was really good though! We had gelatto (italian icecream for those of you that don't know) for the first time that weekend but after that I was addicted. In the first 48 hours, I'd say I ate gelatto at least 4 times. I didn't really get the chance to see much since I was exhausted from traveling but I was at least I got some italian food the first night there!

The next morning, Bhavik had class so he "hired" Jim to show me around Vatican City and the Basillica until he got out. I met Jim (aka one of my best guy friends) at a metro stop close to the Vatican which was exciting since I hadn't seen him since before Christmas and then my tour began. He's a history major so he insisted that I let him giving me the "grand tour" and I let him but I'm pretty sure it just fluffed his ego. He wants to start giving free tours to tourists now... what a nerd. Anyways, the Vatican was amazing!!! I saw where the pope lives, the Basilica, and the Swiss guards that protect it. Lots of pictures to come! (let me know if you're still not able to see them) The Basilica is HUGE. If you look at the pictures and at the letters that line the celing, you can get an idea of just how huge. The letters by themselves are 6 feet tall but they look tiny stories above your head. The big black and gold altar is more than 7 stories tall! It's beautiful! The sheer size alone makes it an amazing building and then you get to the artwork. You'll have to see it for yourself... like every other picture I've taken, nothing does it justice. Also, there are all sorts of popes, bishops, and saints buried under the Basilica making it all the more special. It's definitely one of those places to see before you die.

After that, Jim and I headed back to their school/residence hall/dining hall (all in the same building) to meet up with Bhavik and surprise my roomates from school. They didn't know that I was coming so we made it sound like they just found some random person on the street that they needed to see and they came down to find me. I think it took both of them a second to put it in context but they both ran into my arms straight afterwards. It was so good to be with all my closest friends again! and in Rome?!?! The whole trip felt like a dream. I got to look around the "rome center" and meet all their friends for awhile before Bhavik and I went out to get some food and then went back to the hostel to get changed for dinner. Dinner was nothing fancy (since we're poor college kids living in Europe ($$$)) but it was amazing to be back with my friends. It's a little piece of home and familiarness that I think I needed.

Later that night, we went out to this bar with all my friends and some of their new friends too (who are also amazing people!) that was called "Stairs". We had so much fun! It was like a reunion but better since we were in Rome. By the end of the night though, we were all partied out and went home or moreso to the hole in the wall to get some sleep. Surprisingly, I slept like a rock.

In the morning, we woke up reasonably early to meet up with everyone in Vatican City so we could all go to the Vatican Museum. It's a lot to take in in just a couple hours but I had the chance to see some amazing things that a lot of people will never have the chance to see in all of their lives... the sistene chapel for one was beautiful! I really didn't know what to expect having only seen bits and pieces of it but wasn't disappointed. In addition to that, I stood infront of famous paintings and statues that I never even imagined I'd be able to see. Standing there feels absolutely surreal!

After the museum, Bhavik and I went to check out the Colosseum, the Roman Forum (the oldest part of Rome), and the surrounding areas. The Colosseum was exactly what I expected it to be (although I only got to see the outside since tours ended early in the afternoon). He and I sat next to it for a long time sitting, talking, and watching person after person trip over a loose comment. It was hilarious but maybe we sound crazy... it's probably one of those you had to be there things. After that, we walked around the outside of the Roman Forum (again it was closed to visitors walking through it because everything in Europe is closed when you want to see it) but I can it least say it looks really neat from the outside. It's incredible to be walking around ruins that are 100's and 100's of years old because we have nothing like it in the states. The history in Europe is so extensive! It still amazes me that something can be so old and yet still be standing so well preserved. I definitely want to go back to see everything for longer and to see more. You can't see Rome in 2 days.

We headed back to the Rome Center after the Colosseum for dinner and meeting back up with friends. Dinner again was basic (pasta (of course!), vegetables, and fresh cheese!) but delicious! That night we went out for more gelatto (over a hundred flavors to choose from!!!) and got to see the Pantheon at night. It's one of the best preserved buildings in Rome and probably one of my favorites. It looks really pretty at night! After that, I unfortunately had to say goodbye to everyone because my plane was leaving at about 9am the next morning but I know I'm probably going to see them in mid-march in Madrid. It'll be a really cheap trip for me and a lot of fun to see them again! I can't wait! Bhavik and I went back to the hostel for the last night, talked for a little bit and then passed out for a short night of sleep. I had to wake up at about 6am to get to the airport in time for my flight. Saying goodbye sucked but I get to see him again this coming weekend for Valentine's day so at least it's not too long. I can't believe it's already here already! I'm really excited to show him around Barcelona. It's an amazing city! and I can't wait to show him around and impress him with my Spanish! I actually met a women on the metro today that told me that my Spanish is excellent. I'd say I'm getting close to fluent but my speaking skills still aren't perfect. I want to leave here speaking it like a Spaniard. My host family says I'm on my way!

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